Muhammad Sarwer immigrated to Canada from Pakistan with his family in 2008. He is now a Canadian citizen. He earned his MBA and worked as a web developer in his home country. He signed up as a mentee with TRIEC Mentoring Partnership a few years after landing. In 2018, he decided to become a mentor to newcomer. Today he works as a senior developer for Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada.

When and How did you originally become involved in TRIEC Mentoring Partnership as a mentee? Which agency did you work with?

I enrolled in a bridging program at Humber College in 2011 and signed up as a mentee with TRIEC in 2012.  It was a turning point in my career. I was matched with a mentor from an IT department of a reputable organization who helped me in a great way to get familiar with the corporate culture, arrange mock interviews etc. Humber College supported me all the way and made sure that I got mentor from my field and interest.

Why did you become a mentor?

I am more stable in life and career now. I felt to return it and help new immigrants in same way as I got help. It is a great professional journey for me and gives me a clear path to help others.

How did mentoring help you with finding your first job in Canada?

It was great help. My mentor arranged mock interviews and corrected my resumes, and helped me grow my professional network. They gave me an inner sight of the corporate world. Mentoring helped me improve my interview skills, and usage of professional language and terms.

Can you give an example of how you’ve put your learning from the program into practice?

One of great learnings from program was to improve soft skills. ex, confident personality, enhanced communication skills.

It has also taught me a great deal about how to bring new and fresh graduates onboard. I feel I have a clear direction of what newcomers expect from me and what I can deliver to them.

What advice would you give to a new mentee about how to make the most of the mentoring relationship?

My advice for a new mentee will be to ask questions that they have in their mind regarding the corporate world. Do mock interviews. Build a friendly relationship with their mentor which should last even after the end of the contract as that will help to keep getting professional advices even after they have landed a job.

What does being a mentor now mean to you?

It means a lot; it is a great satisfaction. Time has passed but I have memories of when I was a mentee. As a mentor I feel that I can think from a mentee’s point of view and know questions they may ask, and what doubts and dreams they have for their future.

And lastly, could you please complete the following sentence…

 “The future of mentoring is…bright!”

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