The mentee outreach toolkit provides our community partners with core communication tools you will need to promote your partnership with TRIEC Mentoring Partnership and recruit potential mentees. Feel free to use social media images and suggested copy and print materials.
Be advised that the target audience of this toolkit is immigrant professionals who are underemployed/unemployed in Canada.
Social Media
When posting on social media use the hashtags #TRIECMentoring and #PowerofMentoring.
- Tag @TRIEC so that we can retweet or share your post, also tag TRIEC in the image as well, so that we will get notifications.
- Share TRIEC Mentoring posts that you have been tagged in.
- Share success stories of your mentees who have found jobs.
- Tag the mentee and their new employers in the post for more reach.
When promoting any information sessions talk about challenges and successes mentees have faced with their job search and how attending the session will help them.
Mentee Referral Campaign
Tips for social media and email marketing
Video: Empowering newcomer professionals through mentoring
Video: Where the mentoring magic begins: community partners
Print Materials