Mentor FAQ

Frequently asked questions about being a mentor. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in the list below, please contact us.

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What are the criteria for becoming a mentor?

You can become a mentor if:

  • You have worked for at least two years in your field in Canada;
  • You can commit 18 hours of your time over three months;
  • You’re thinking about your professional legacy;
  • You want to share your industry knowledge and contacts with others;
  • You want to develop professionally.
How will I be helping the person I mentor?

As a mentor, you are helping your mentee by:

  • Advising them on their occupation or industry in Canada to help them prepare for employment;
  • Providing information on employment and/or educational opportunities within their chosen profession;
  • Sharing your networks and professional contacts;
  • Supporting your mentee to maintain self-confidence in a new society, workplace and culture;
  • Helping them realize their full potential and how they can contribute to society and the economy.
As a mentor, what are my responsibilities?

Mentors are expected to:

  • Provide details on their professional background and information needed for program delivery and matching purposes;
  • Complete a mentor orientation session (approximately 60 minutes);
  • Work with their mentee to determine objectives and set goals related to job search, networking, professional development, etc.;
  • Communicate with the mentoring coach to report on the progress of the relationship; 
  • Seek support from the coach for referral to resources, troubleshooting etc.
How long will I mentor for? How many hours a week are involved?

The time commitment is 18 hours over three months. This works out as approximately 1½ hours per week. You and your mentee can decide on a schedule that suits your goals for the partnership and your availability.

What if I don't have the time to be a mentor?

While it’s true that many mentors have busy schedules, the mentoring partnership can be flexible to accommodate the schedules of both parties. It doesn’t have to consume a large amount of time if you don’t want it to – you can always find creative ways to make it work. Set expectations around when you are available to meet and schedule meetings in advance at mutually agreed times. Organizing virtual meetings and calls during non-work hours, over lunch breaks, or through emails, can all help save time, without significantly impacting the quality of the experience. 

What kind of support will I get with mentoring?

Before you start mentoring someone new, you will take part in a mentor orientation session to learn more about your role and responsibilities as a mentor.

Both you and your mentee will have access to online resources to guide you through your partnership. These mentoring tools offer tips for mentors about how to best coach their mentees. They also contain information for mentees to help them in their job search. You and your mentee can select which tools will work best for both of you.

You and your mentee will also be supported by a mentoring coach based at a participating Community Partner. Their role is to help you both throughout the entire mentoring relationship and respond to your questions and concerns.

What is the role of the coach?

Mentoring coaches provide support and resources to mentors. Your coach will contact both you and your mentee on a monthly basis to check that things are going smoothly. In the unlikely case that there are issues between a mentor and mentee, or if you need any help or information to better support the person you are mentoring, you can let your coach know, and the coach can help you with troubleshooting or providing referrals.

Why should I become a mentor?

As a mentor you will have the opportunity to:

  • Share valuable knowledge based on your own experience;
  • Develop your coaching, communication and leadership skills;
  • Work with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures;
  • Improve your understanding of issues and barriers experienced by newcomers to Canada;
  • Motivate and support someone to fulfill their potential;
  • Help someone in your field put their skills and experience to work.
Am I Qualified to be a Mentor?

Mentoring is fundamentally about personal growth and fostering connections. As a mentor, it’s not necessary to have all the answers to a mentee’s questions from the start. You do not need to be more educated, smarter, older, or more experienced than a mentee. Hearing about your experience in the Canadian job market can be invaluable to a newcomer.

When you join our mentoring program, know that you won’t be on this journey alone. You will have support from Mentoring Coaches at Community Service provider organizations, opportunities for networking, professional development workshops, and access to a wide range of online learning resources. 

What Professional Development resources are available for mentors?

You can access the following the professional development resources during your time as a mentor: 

  • Workshops – focus on building cross–cultural competencies and developing your coaching skills using a solution-focused approach.
  • Webinars – offer action-orientated tips and activities for supporting your mentee in their job search.
  • Networking events – provide the opportunity to meet new and experienced mentors, and exchange solutions and best practices.

If you are a member of HRPA or CPA; you can claim professional development credits towards  your participation in these events.

How do you match mentors with a mentee?

Matches between mentors and mentees are made based on both participants’ occupation.  Your coach selects a match for you based on the information about your profession that you have provided. If you’re not sure the match is appropriate, please make sure you let mentoring coach know as soon as possible.

What are the criteria for mentees to enter the program?

The mentees’ first point of contact and entry to the program is through employment services or bridge programs at one of the Community Partners.

They accept mentees into the program based on the following criteria:

  • High skilled professionals who have recently immigrated to Canada;
  • “Job-ready” – this means they could start a job in their field in Canada at any time. It includes having high English language skills and any other training they need to work in their profession in Canada;
  • Have limited or no Canadian work experience in their profession OR re-engaged with their profession through an academic training or bridging program within the past two years;
  • Legally entitled to work in Canada;
  • Lived in Canada for less than five years 
  • Have a minimum of two years of international work experience in their profession
  • Currently unemployed or underemployed i.e. not working in their field of expertise;
  • Have English language skills to perform effectively in the workplace in their field;
  • Have professional qualifications: a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent post-secondary education. 
Am I responsible for finding the mentee a job?

As a mentor in TMP, you provide customized support and guidance to newcomers throughout their job search process. You can share insights and information about your industry and occupation in Canada, as well as assist in building professional networks. However, it is ultimately the mentee’s responsibility to secure employment. The goal of the mentor is to empower newcomers to build successful careers in their new home. 

Can I be matched with someone who doesn't have a similar occupation or industry to me?

We always try to match you someone who has as similar professional experience to you as possible. If you feel your suggested mentee’s occupation and industry is not close enough to yours you can talk to your coach before meeting them. However there are some occupational fields and industries where we have a lower demand for mentors. We encourage you to be flexible when considering a recommended match with someone who is waiting for a mentor.

Can I mentor more than one person?

Absolutely! However, TRIEC Mentoring Partnership only matches mentors with one mentee at a time, so you can focus specifically on that person during the three month period. Due to the high demand for the program, each mentee is permitted to participate in TRIEC Mentoring Partnership program only once, so it is important that they make the most of their experience. We do however strongly encourage you to mentor again after your first partnership is finished!  

How can I mentor again?

It would be wonderful if you could support another newcomer! Repeat mentors bring the added value of learning and experience from their previous relationships. At the end of your mentoring relationship, you will be contacted and asked if you are able to mentor again. Even if you are not able to do this straight away, can let us know a date when you expect to be able to do it, and we can get back in touch with you then.

How will I know if I'm doing a good job?

Open communication is the key to any good relationship. Throughout the mentoring relationship you should be speaking to your mentee about whether or not you are fulfilling the joint goals that you both set out at the beginning. Your coach will also ask you to provide feedback on your progress and experience throughout the mentoring relationship. If you are helping your mentee make progress on their job search, then your relationship is successful.

Where should I meet my mentee?

You and your mentee should decide where to meet together. You could meet at your office, a coffee shop or somewhere else that’s convenient for both of you. All meetings should take place in a public place and not in a mentor or mentee’s home.

Who do I contact if I have any concerns?

Throughout the mentoring process, you should be speaking to your mentee about your shared progress in fulfilling the goals you set at the beginning of the relationship. Understandably however, not all relationships are perfect. If you are in a situation where you would like guidance or are experiencing conflict, please contact your coach immediately for advice and support. Likewise, if you feel that your mentee is not completely “job-ready”, your coach may be able to provide referrals to additional training or resources.

Do I meet with my mentee in person?

We recommend that you meet in person, especially for the first few meetings. However, there will be times when online or phone communication will be more convenient and/or effective for both of you.

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