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As one of Canada’s largest financial services companies, CIBC strives to attract a multicultural workforce representative of the communities it serves. That’s why CIBC has been a corporate partner of The Mentoring Partnership since 2005.

Now CIBC has reached the milestone of having contributed 100 mentoring matches to the program. “CIBC is proud to play a role in helping newcomers to Canada establish a strong new start through mentoring relationships,” says Sharon Wingfelder, Vice President, Human Resources, Diversity & Resourcing, CIBC. “Mentoring also benefits our employees who gain a better understanding of the newcomer experience while making a real difference in the community.”

Support for The Mentoring Partnership comes directly from Sharon and the leadership team of CIBC. In 2010 Sharon personally stepped forward to elevate the level of internal participation by dedicating program managers Gene Jamieson and Shemina Khimji to ultimately be accountable for the success of the program. It’s clear that this significantly contributed to an increase in mentor recruitment by 175 per cent and helped push the bank past the milestone of 100 matches in mentoring in 2011.

Employees from across CIBC’s business units are encouraged to become mentors in The Mentoring Partnership through CIBC’s Employment Equity & Diversity Advisory Committees.  These committees, made up of senior leaders in the organization, ensure that employees are aware of the personal and professional development opportunities in The Mentoring Partnership, which support the overall diversity strategy at CIBC. Supported by CIBC’s Employment Equity & Diversity team, the bank hosts The Mentoring Partnership information sessions and orientation sessions for their mentors and mentees to communicate CIBC’s commitment to providing support during the mentoring relationship.

“I know what newcomers need is a chance to present their credentials and prove themselves on the job,” says Pradeep Mathur, former mentee, mentor and Head of Policy Support, Capital Markets Risk Management, CIBC. “I mentor now to help position an immigrant to land that opportunity. I do not have all the answers, but there are plenty of resources from The Mentoring Partnership and CIBC.”

CIBC joins the ranks of corporate partners recognized in 2010 for being leaders in mentor recruitment: TD Bank Financial Group, City of Toronto, Deloitte, KMPG and Scotiabank.


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