The Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Drop-In Centre (DBNC) was founded in 1988. DBNC has been an institution in the Peel region known for our timely and responsive service delivery to newcomers, families, youth, children, seniors, and job seekers. All our programs are free of charge and strive to meet the needs of the community. DBNC currently has 125+ employees and has been a member of TRIEC Mentoring Partnership (TMP) since 2004.

TMP has Immense impact on our clients, who are served via our Newcomers and Employment programs, as solid connections and networks are formed for the new immigrant.

Barbara Janik, Shabrukh Rehman & Nitin Dhora

Clients are thrilled with the idea of meeting a mentor and of being in a formal match for 3 months. They look forward to it with eager anticipation and once matched, they say they appreciate the help from the mentor to expand their job search and professional connections.

A few of our many success stories in TMP:

“I was introduced to the TRIEC mentoring program at a newcomer’s workshop and I am so glad I could be a part of it. I was matched with a wonderful mentor Jessica. She guided me in improving my connections and my resume and although I found a job just before meeting her, she introduced resources to me and helped me overcome barriers in a new workplace. She was always a great listener and an even better advisor. I’m grateful to the TRIEC team and to Shabrukh for making this happen. Thank you for your support.” – Rojin 

“Thank you for your continued support of the mentorship program. I have found the experience to be incredibly valuable and appreciate the opportunity to learn from my mentor.” –  Azeezat

“I have been suggesting this mentorship program to a few folks who I know are in the same position as I was. Rob’s approach was to revamp my LinkedIn account to improve inbound job requests rather than outbound. This worked for me, and I stopped applying for a month before I got the job at CIBC. I was able to focus all my efforts to improve my LinkedIn account and profile.

The program was great. Weekly meetings, flexible agenda, personalized approach, focus on the gaps, etc. Rob did everything which would get results.” – Conrad

Being a partner of TMP adds a lot of substance, visibility, value, and prestige for DBNC. For other organizations considering joining TMP they are most welcome to join. We encourage them to expand the gift of mentoring to more new immigrants as they are finding their professional path in Canada.

If your organization would like to become a community partner with TRIEC Mentoring Partnership like DBNC, visit our Community Partner page to find out more, or email us to set up a time to talk –

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