Supporting refugees looking for employment
Supporting refugees looking for employment
A special thank you to Manulife Financial for their support to TRIEC and this video.
Refugee newcomers with professional experience can face unique barriers when trying to find employment that matches their skills and experience. If you are a mentor to a refugee newcomer, being aware of this will help you better support your mentee. And if you are a newcomer yourself, knowing more about these barriers can help you to better navigate them.
Margaret Eaton, TRIEC’s Executive Director and Eva Wilkinson-Knight Assistant Manager, Caledonia Employment Services at COSTI Immigrant Services share insights into helping overcome the following barriers.
These barriers include:
- Missing documents that newcomers who are refugees may require to find or accept a job.
- Employment gaps on their resumes
- Limited time to prepare to move to a new country
- Not knowing how or where to look for jobs in a new country